Author: Charles Tutt

  • Stress

    How To Be Resilient: 5 Steps To Success When Life Gets Hard by Eric Barker *** Before we commence with the festivities, I wanted to thank everyone for helping my first book become a Wall Street Journal bestseller. To check it out, click here. *** We always hear one thing about stress: it’s bad. I haven’t checked recently…

  • 80/20

    Understanding the Pareto principle When you start your day, what’s the first thing you do? Most of us grab our caffeinated beverage of choice, check email, and prioritize tasks for the day. How do we identify what needs to get done first? One common technique is called the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20…

  • Gen Z

    I’m a [[pre-Boomer]]. Special in some ways because I’m old by some standards. I don’t feel old though. I don’t feel any older than I did at age 25. You won’t either when you’re my age. I’m actually a lot smarter and more “worldly” than I was at age 25. I want to write. In…

  • Holding Back Their Whole Selves

    DIVERSITY & INCLUSION January 17, 2022 In a culture that still largely views gender on binary terms, transgender people in America face unique challenges in the job-application process. Half of transgender respondents to a recent McKinsey survey indicated they couldn’t be their full selves when applying for jobs. Only 33 percent of cisgender applicants indicated…

  • The Rich get Richer the Poor get Poorer

    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is more than a saying that’s been around throughout all of history. It’s a fact—proven over and over. It’s based on mathematical truth. The same truth as 1+1=2. It’s called compounding interest. Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns…

  • Goals

    As soon as I set a goal, some invisible force arrives to confront, block, defeat, or make me forget it. Why? Fantasies Are goals anything other than fantasies? Dreams? Someday, maybe wishes? Unrealistic naïve dreams? I’m not sure. Everything everyone does—every choice, action, or deed seems to be based on a dream, fantasy, or imaginary…

  • How To Get Shit Done When You Don’t Feel Creative

    Jonah MalinDec 29, 2021·3 min read We’ve dubbed it as “writer’s block.” Suddenly and randomly, creativity flatlines. Exercise won’t fix it.Music won’t fix it.Caffeine won’t fix it. As a freelancer and creative writer, hours stuck in this haze can be dangerous. Not feeling “it” means I’m losing money and momentum and my f*cking mind. And…

  • Batch Writing

    Batch Writing, and Batch Editing Beth van der Pol BA(Hons)2 days ago·4 min read The ups, the downs and why I do it, anyway. I’ve spent the last one or two months talking about my writing schedule. While I recommend batch writing and editing, it is challenging. It can feel like a rollercoaster. Trying to…

  • Abstract Thinking

    The art and science of abstract thinking Anne-Laure Le Cunff What is something we only become capable of doing after age eleven that helps us solve complex problems and write poetry, but needs to be yielded carefully? That’s abstract thinking, a powerful tool for creativity and innovation which anyone can learn how to use better.…

  • First Principles

    First Principles: The Building Blocks of True Knowledge First-principles thinking is one of the best ways to reverse-engineer complicated problems and unleash creative possibility. Sometimes called “reasoning from first principles,” the idea is to break down complicated problems into basic elements and then reassemble them from the ground up. It’s one of the best ways…