Three Books I Found Thought Provoking

Book Reports

2000 Mules: 189 pages. Author – Dinesh D’Souza. I don’t care if you identify as a Republican, Democrat, or Independent voter. If you identify as an American Citizen and thus are reaping the incalculable benefit of living in this incredible country, and you want to KEEP this country from becoming just another Socialist/Communist failed experiment, you absolutely need to take the time to get and read this book. 2000 Mules shines undeniable light on the glaring loopholes which have allowed a handful of extremely wealthy people to enable and perpetrate the fraud and vote manipulation that have become pervasive in our election system. I sincerely hope our own representatives in Washington have read it as well.

Similar to the way Dr Scott Atlas’ book A Plague Upon Our House, clearly explains, with no POLITICAL SPIN, the fallacy and misinformation doled out by a controlled media on the Wuhan Flu epidemic. And how S. Fred Singer in his book Hot Talk, Cold Science pulls back the curtains and demystifies the fallacy of the current “man caused climate change” hysteria. D’ Sousa, diagrams and unmasks, one by one, how the 2020 election was absolutely swayed and manipulated. And what is probably the greater worth of D’ Sousa’s book, is the information how we ordinary citizens can help prevent this from happening in the future, and the call to action. A future, I may remind you, which has already arrived, as we have seen in the valid questions already brought forth in the 2022 midterm elections and most prominently in Arizona.

All three of these books present arguments that are totally provable, understandable and are NOT political. All three authors took great risks to themselves in even publishing their research and work. All three authors have the unassailable credentials needed to be considered experts in these three completely separate fields of concern, to all United States Citizens. Please take some time, buy these books, take a few days off from wasting time watching some damn sports show on TV, and get educated on these absolutely critical subjects. Maybe after you’ve read them, like me, you will think: Gee isn’t it funny, we have here election fraud, a largely politicized flu epidemic, and a phony climate change narrative: All pushed by either a controlled hysterical media, rich uneducated celebrities, or Socialist politicians. Three, at first glance, seemingly unrelated events impacting our lives; yet all three events are totally connected and aimed at permanently changing and destroying our current way of life. Please, read, educate yourself, talk to your neighbors, and above all: THINK!

Curated from The Crapper Chronicles


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