Category: curation

  • Perspectives

    Our personal, and All Humanities, Challenge All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone. Blaise Pascal We’re waking up, becoming more aware, but will our “awakening” be enough, and soon enough? The first and overarching Big Problem is to make the Good Person. We must have better human…

  • In Lieu of One Life Purpose

    Instead of Your Life’s Purpose: A meditation on meaning that explores the non-linear ways life progresses beyond a simple conception of a personal mission. A common misperception many of us have regarding a meaningful life is that we have a special purpose in life—and that once we find it, all our confusion ends. We’re saved…

  • DNA Lottery

    You, I, nor anyone else have any control over the lotteries of DNA, economic, social, religious, cultural, or any other circumstances into which we were born. Yet, I do not regret being born. Indeed, I’m very grateful for being born—warts and all. How about you? And if you, like me, are grateful; do you believe…

  • Curation

    Time dilation  You can read this post in six minutes. It took Seth Godin more than an hour to write.  That extra editing and polish is a benefit to the reader. You can read this post instead of 100 others, because people highlighted or shared or ranked or otherwise filtered the other things you might…